Staying Healthy in Malaysia!

Dear Boochiful People,, I hope this piece of work helps you stay fit and healthy as that is what I intend to do. I am someone who is obsessed with human physical performance and am obsessed with my own health and vitality.

Let’s take a good long look at ourselves and try to listen to what our bodies are constantly trying to tell us. What happens to us when we bloat? What happens when we drink coffee too late at night? Why we can’t sleep -  Why we don't feel good.


Your body is just in need of balance when malhealth arises. Understanding these balances will be your life’s study of your body and will help you discover your most sustainable lifestyle and diet. We need macronutrients such as proteins, carbs, fats, etc etc. We just need to make sure these things are delivered to our digestive system without any other garbage. We also need to make sure that we enjoy our foods, don't overeat and make sure we dont waste anything in the process.

I'm going to give you a few tips on how I stay healthy and I hope this can add something you might be missing. 

  1. GO PLANT BASED! (I am not Vegan)

You must have heard this a thousand times but don’t even know where to start with plant based. Start with really cutting out animal products as much as you can. I am not fully plant based and will eat a bit of meat here and there but I truly find my best energy comes from large spreads of varieties of plant based foods like pasta salads, quinoa and sweet potato, Kombucha and almond milks. Try it out. It’s not for everyone but it certainly changed my life.

  1. SLEEP 7-9 HOURS in 24 HOURS

Sleep is so important. Without sleep your body just doesn't work. I have lived through a 6 month chronic insomnia period and that is not fun. Nothing is fun when you have insomnia. This is what I did to finally fix and regulate my sleep again

  1. No screens or social media 1 hour before bed.

  2. Relax my mind so that my mind can wander

  3. No caffeine at all. Doesn't matter how addicted you are, you don't need it!

  4. No nicotine which means no cigarettes, vapes or even iqos. You don't need it!

  5. Drink water and eat 3 square meals a day. 

Sleep is something the body needs. Fixing it is something natural. What we must look at is what are unnatural things that we ingest or are part of our environment. Sleep well so that your body can rest and rejuvenate itself for another cracking day!

3. DRINK KOMBUCHA (Obviously)

We call ChaCha the drink of life because it’s literally a live drink. I thought Kombucha was just all hype until I started drinking it regularly. Now it’s hard to go a day without it. I have felt like since we founded ChaCha and I started drinking Kombucha, my gut health has been in impeccable condition. (This may sound biased but hear me out)

I can feel nowadays that when I eat any sort of junk food or unnatural processed food it doesn't mix with my stomach fluora. This causes me to be quite sluggish, sleepy and drained at times when I need my energy. When I drink a kombucha I can feel it balance out my gut flora and digest the food much easier.

Natural Flavored Kombucha Tea

Not only do I believe in Kombucha but i'm quite obsessed with it. Have 1 a day first thing in the morning to see some results


It seems like an impossible task sometimes especially for people with a busy schedule. If you are having trouble working out alone I would highly recommend finding a “Workout Buddy.” Someone that keeps you in check with your exercise regimen.


  1. Running - Great full body endurance workout

  2. Cycling - Awesome way to see new places and workout at the same time

  3. Rock Climbing - Rock climbing can be done for hours and is quite addicting

  4. Crossfit - Crossfit is really tough but it is very educational and beneficial

  5. Hiking - Hiking can be done literally anywhere and it's super fun with friends

Exercise is great for oxygenating your body and sweating out your toxins. If you're someone who is unathletic or feels like you suck at exercising I’m here to tell you that even if that’s true, you can work on improvement. Sometimes we overestimate what we can do in a month but underestimate what we can do in a year.


We live in a crazy time right now. The world is literally in the middle of a global pandemic and it seems like everyone’s energy is all over the place. It is true that during hard times we often reveal the best and worst of ourselves.

Regardless of whatever happens in your life, every moment is a gift. Take it however you want but genuinely enjoy each day as it comes. Surround yourself with people who talk well of others as this is a great indicator of how they see the world. People that talk badly about others or make you feel bad about yourself should be taken with a pinch of salt and in bad cases; avoided.

Where to start with this? Well first you yourself have to be a “Good Energy.” Encourage your friends to achieve personal goals or help the poor and those in need. Think well of others and see the best in them instead of the worst. 

Also find a source of recharging. We often get carried away and drained with external energies and forget to regain it. We can recharge with things like meditation, isolation, personal activities and learning new skills. 

Surrounding yourself with good energy will come from being a good energy as good energy will attract other good energy. 

These are my 5 small tips about how I stay healthy and keep a clear mind.

Ishaq Vadillo